Animated Comic Contest 2012

Animated Comic Contest 2012

Animated Comic Contest 2012If creating a whole set of comics isn’t for you, how about trying your hand on animating your comics? In addition to cash prize and merchandize, the top two winning entries will get a sure slot in the Summer Komikon 2013 Indie Komiks Tiangge!


Rules and Regulations:

1. Contest is open to all independent artists, with new or current comic titles who want to make a promotional video of their comics.
2. Video entries could be done as a group or as an individual.
3. One title per video per artist only
4. Animated comics should be 30-60 seconds, excluding credits.
5. End credits should include Title of comic, Comic creator, publisher (if any), names of individual / group and its members, song titles and artist for use of music.
6. All entries should be in .avi format only.
7. Deadline of entries is on October 14, 2012.
8. Entries should be sent via email attachment to contests[@] . If file size is too big (greated than 8MB), it could be sent via filesharing sites.
9. Email should have the subject: KOMIKON ANIMATED COMIC CONTEST 2012. Include the following details in the body of the email:

Title of Comic
Comic Creator
Name of group and members of animated comics
Contact details of one representative: (landline / mobile numbers and email addresses)

10. By submitting your video entry, you allow KOMIKON to post and share the video online (Facebook, Youtube) and during the event, for promotional purposes only.

For any clarifications or questions, send us an email at contests[@] with the subject: ACC KOMIKON 2012 Inquiry.