BEST COVER – A cover dictates how people see your comic. Sales also depend on the cover. And here we salute those covers that made us look and look hard. And the effort to it took to conceptualize, pencil, ink, and in some cases, to color the cover. The award shall go to the artist or group of artists that created such masterpiece.
Here are the nominees for the Komikon Awards 2011 Best Cover:
Bayan Knights 4
(Harvey Tolibao & Romulo Fajardo, Sacred Mountain Prod.)
Bayan Knights 5
(Gilbert Monsanto, Sacred Mountain Prod.)
(Gerry Alanguilan, Komikero Publishing)
Kubori Kikiam: We Heart Short Shorts
(Michael David, Point Zero Comics)
The Quarterly Bathroom Companium Comics Compedium
Skyworld: Prodigal
(Ian Sta. Maria, Alamat Comics)
Skyworld: Testament
(Ian Sta. Maria, Alamat Comics)
Trese: Mass Murders
(Kajo Baldissimo, Visprint)
Zombies in Manila 1
(Kevin Justin Ang)
Voting is ongoing until 15 October 2011!