What is KOMIKON?
KOMIKON or Philippine Komiks Convention aims to bring together different comic book artists/groups and publishers in a venue where they could present their talents, works and services to the public and, most importantly, to aspiring comic artists. This yearly convention would like to bring in different art groups and different generations of artists for a free exchange of ideas, break down stereotypes, and broaden the scope of comics – from international to local, sequential to strips, professional to amateur, and published to independent comics. We would also like to bring to people’s awareness the current state of the Philippine comics industry.
Most importantly, the event focuses on Filipino comics, made by Filipino comic creators, whether published independently, or through a publisher, using various styles of drawing encompassing numerous genres. Though relatively young compared to the more established comics conventions abroad, Komikon is still in its early learning stages and through the support of all the participants, exhibitors and sponsors, Komikon will definitely grow a lot bigger.
The first ever Komikon was held last October 22, 2005 at the UP Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman. Since then, Komikon has been held yearly every October/November. After four years, in 2009, Komikon Summer Fiesta is born, making Komikon a bi-annual event.
Who Organizes Komikon?
From the members of the Artists’ Den, six young people have dedicated their time, labor and love into making Komikon what it is today. They are assisted by other members of the group, together with other partner organizations. Many individuals and groups from the Artists community have also continuously supported Komikon.
How do I contact Komikon?
For questions, suggestions, violent (we hope not) reactions? Send us an email at inquiry[@]komikon.org.