Voting starts now! You can vote for up to two nominees. Once you vote, you cannot change your answer. Click on the poll below. Continue reading “Vote for 2011 BEST COVER”
Tag: 2011
Voting starts now! You can vote for up to two nominees. Once you vote, you cannot change your answer. Click on the poll below. Continue reading “Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC CREATOR”
Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC: Comic Strip Compilation
Voting starts now! You can vote for up to two nominees. Once you vote, you cannot change your answer. Click on the poll below. Continue reading “Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC: Comic Strip Compilation”
Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC: Series
Voting starts now! You can vote for up to two nominees. Once you vote, you cannot change your answer. Click on the poll below. Continue reading “Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC: Series”
Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC: Graphic Novel
Voting starts now! You can vote for up to two nominees. Once you vote, you cannot change your answer. Click on the poll below. Continue reading “Vote for 2011 BEST COMIC: Graphic Novel”
Voting starts now! You can vote for up to two nominees. Once you vote, you cannot change your answer. Click on the poll below. Continue reading “Vote for 2011 BEST FILIPINO INTERNATIONAL ARTIST”
How to Vote for Komikon Awards
1. New users must register at .
2. After registering, check your email for your temporary password. Change this temporary password to a new one.
3. Users who have registered previously do not need to register again. If you forgot your password, click on “Lost your password?” and follow the instructions.
4. Login at the same link above. You will be directed to the Dashboard.
5. To view the nominees and vote, simply click on Komikon Awards 2011 to view the available awards for voting.
6. You can vote for up to two nominees per category. Once you have voted, you cannot change your answer.
7. For any questions/clarifications, send an email to awards[@] .
Voting Period will be from 15 September to 15 October 2011.
Komikon 2011 Indie Komiks Tiange Registration
Registration is now CLOSED!!!
First 40 groups/individuals to register will be allowed to sell their comics at the event. By registering make sure that you will definitely be there and selling. We don’t want to waste space on people who register but don’t show up. Please note that we have some new rules for this year’s indie comics tiange.
Terms to be considered:
- Registration will be done by completing an online registration form. (required)
- Individuals and group members are required to buy pre-sold tickets at designated locations. More details to be provided later. (required)
- Image files of the covers must be sent via email to Komikon after the online registration. (required)
- It is recommended that your covers indicate for what age group it is appropriate (GP – General Patronage, PG 13 – Parental Guidance for 13 years and below, R – Mature audience only). (optional)
- If you wish to include the official Komikon logo on your cover, please email us at indies[@] and we will send them to you or you may download here (optional).
- Official comics websites (or personal websites if no official comics website), should add a link or banner image link to Details will be provided through email. (required)
- Please come 1 hour before the event starts to set up. Upon arrival, all individuals and members must sign in at the Komikon booth, and present their comics and merchandise that will be sold for inspection. (required)
- To avoid crowding, ONLY ONE(1) PERSON per group can be seated in the indie tiange area (this will be strictly implemented). (required)
- The organizers have the authority to accept and/or deny applications for indie tiange.
- 10% OF PARTICIPANTS’ TOTAL SALES WILL BE COLLECTED. Everyone must sign out at the Komikon booth. Penalties will be given for those who do not sign out. (required)
- Komikon Indie KOMIKS Tiange is for selling comics – original or fanfics.
- Merchandise will be allowed, ONLY IF, it is based on your own original comics’ creation/characters.
- Any other merchandise will not be allowed. Unauthorized items will be confiscated by a Komikon representative.
- Individuals/groups found to have violated the terms and conditions will be subject to penalties the organizers deem necessary.
- Selling of indies will be confined to the indie space. Don’t go around hawking you wares around some other groups. We have received reports that some groups do this. If I receive any reports or complaints of this, you will be dealt with accordingly.
Examples of items that will be allowed:
- Original comics that you (or your group) created using your own original characters.
- Doujin/fan-made comics that you (or your group) created based on other characters as drawn by you with your own interpretation;
- Non-comics merchandise (like pins, bookmarks, etc) made by you (or your group) based on your original characters from your original comics
Examples of items that WILL NOT be allowed:
- Pornographic comics and non-comics merchandise depicting child/children
- Non-comics merchandise (like pins, bookmarks, etc) based on your fan made comics
- Non-comics merchandise (like pins, bookmarks, etc) based on established comics/anime/movie/etc characters that you do not own
If you are agreeable to these terms, click on this link which will redirect you to an online registration form. All information will be kept in the strictest confidence of the Komikon committee. Individuals / groups that submit incomplete or false information will be disqualified from joining.
*All information, rules and regulations here are prepared for the use of Komikon only and must not be reposted anywhere else. Please share this link ( if you wish to share this information. Thank you.
Indie Creators go na! Register na kaagad! 🙂
2011 Nominess for Grassroot Award
GRASSROOT AWARD – This award is for those countless photocopied mini-comics that we now fondly call “indies”. That among those countless black and white comics stood out and proved to be the one with the most Oomph! of them all. This is for the indie that made the biggest dent among the populace be it good or bad, it made enough noise for people to look and take notice. It made enough of a statement that people actually stopped and listened. It brought something new and fresh that has never been done or seen before. Be it the concept, the art, or the story, it was a breath of fresh air among the masses of photocopied, folded in half and stapled twice in the spine comics. This is meant for those who dreamt of making a mark on the comic industry, and have succeeded, quite magnificently at that. Continue reading “2011 Nominess for Grassroot Award”
2011 Nominess for Best Comics Scene
BEST COMICS SCENE – Who would forget that first kiss, that most tragic death, that most exhilarating fight, or even that scene that brought you to tears or made you curl up in laughter?
Here are the nominees for the Komikon Awards 2011 Best Comics Scene:
Bayan Knight vs. Sipaka
(Bayan Knights 2 by Monsanto)
Boy Ipis vs. Incredible Bull
(Astiging Boy Ipis 2 by Ignacio/Monsanto/Zamar)
Kuya Tim combines with Kikiams
(Kubori Kikiam by David)
Pacquioa Emerges
(Zombies in Manila 1 by Ang)
Pedicab Scene
(Filipino Heroes League by Fabregas)
Voting is ongoing until 15 October 2011!