Congratulations to the winners of the 2nd Philippine KOMIKON Awards!
Best Graphic Novel / Anthology: Martial Law Babies by Arnold Arre
Best Comic Series: Cast by Jamie Bautista, Nautilus
Best Comic Magazine: Mangaholix by Groundbreakers, Inc.
Best Comic Strip Compilation: Pugad baboy by Pol Medina Jr.
Best Webcomic: Kubori Strips for the Soul by Michael David (www.kuborikikiam.com)
Best Cover: Cast issue 11 by Arnold Arre
Best Comic Creator/s: Arnold Arre
Best Cartoonist: Hazel Manzano, Callwork
Best Komiks Character: Michiko of Ninja Girl Ko!, Mangaholix
Best Comic Scene: Ces’ Poem from Will, Cast issue 10 by Jamie Bautista & Arnold Arre
Grassroot Award:
1st place: Life as Viciously Impossible by Daphne Martinez (Lambchild)
2nd place: Nurse Macho Origins by Mangaholix
3rd place: Kalayaan by Gio Paredes, GMP Comics
Comic Aid Award: Elbert Or and Japan Foundation Manila
Mr. Arnold Arre was unable to attend the KOMIKON to receive his award, but he sent us this message:
Arnold Arre’s Acceptance Speech
Hi guys! Just wondering why only the grassroot awards have the 2nd and 3rd place winners? I hope you would be posting the 2nd and 3rd placers of each category. Thanks!
The reason for having 2nd and 3rd place winners for the grassroot category is because there are a lot of nominees, the committee decided to award the top 3 winners. As for the other categories, in exeption also to the comics aid award, only 1 winner was awarded.