
Q: What is KOMIKON?

A: Komikon is an event organized by KOMIKON, Inc. that showcases Filipino Komiks and creators. Three events are held every year: SUMMER KOMIKON, INDIEKET & the last quarter KOMIKON.

Q: How can we participate in KOMIKON?

A: Attendees just need to get a ticket to the event which are pre-sold at Comic Odyssey branches, and can also be bought on the day of the event itself.

For indie tiangge/exhibitors/sponsors, an online registration form is posted in the official KOMIKON website and Facebook account months before the event date. You can register as a Comics Creator, Exhibitor, Indie Tiangge Participant, Sponsor / Donor, Food Seller or Media Partner.


A: An artist and/or writer, individual or group, who creates his/her own original comics plus merchandise based on his/her own comics.

Q: Who can be an EXHIBITOR*?

A: Exhibitors can be any individual or group who do not fall under COMIC CREATOR. Examples are:

    • Publishers
    • Retailers
    • Resellers / Collectors
    • Merchandise Sellers
    • Businesses
    • Organizations

*Comic creators and exhibitors pay an exhibitor fee to get a 2x2m space with 1 table, 3 chairs and 3 IDs.

Q: What is the INDIE TIANGGE?

A: A separate area for start-up / first-time comic creators. There is no exhibitor fee but it is a commission based selling slot. For more information on the Indie Tiangge click here

Q: Who can be a SPONSOR / DONOR?

A: A company, an organization or an individual who would like to support the local comics industry, launch products or services. Different packages are available based on needs.

Q:��How to be a FOOD SELLER?

A: Food sellers pay an exhibitor fee to get a selling space at designated slots in the parking lot.

Q: Who can be a MEDIA PARTNER?

A: An individual, group or media company who can provide pre- and post- event media coverage. Online registration is required and accredited media partners will be provided complimentary media access to the event.